Common Types of Commercial Truck Accidents in Georgia (Part B)

More than 50 percent of Atlanta trucking accidents are front-end impacts, which are one of the more deadly types of collisions, particularly when a large or commercial truck is involved. If you’ve been hurt in a car accident because a distracted, fatigued, or negligent truck driver caused a collision, speak with one of our GA trucking accident attorneys.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMSCA) has reported that the dominant cause of big rig truck accidents is the result of driver error. The most common driver errors are often the result of: 

  • fatigue;
  • inattention; and
  • the use of pharmaceutical drugs.

Leading Causes of Atlanta Trucking Accidents

Factors that have been known to contribute to commercial truck accidents are:  

  • defective or malfunctioning equipment;
  • maintenance issues;
  • poor weather conditions;
  • unfamiliar or poorly lit roads;
  • poor driver training;
  • lack of driver experience;
  • delayed braking; and
  • jackknifing. 

Semi truck accident statistics indicate that driver distraction is a chief cause of truck accidents. Driver distraction has become so dangerous that the FMCSA was prompted to conclude that, “the action or inaction by drivers was the critical reason for 88 percent of crashes.”

Driving behaviors or conditions that increase the likelihood of a collision include: 

  • the abrupt switching of lanes in front of or near a truck;
  • traveling near a commercial truck, particularly behind one or in an area of low visibility around the truck;
  • traveling in-between commercial or large trucks;
  • failing to adjust speed appropriately when trucks pull in front of you or when you pull into traffic in front of a truck; and
  • passing without enough space between you and the truck.                                                                                                                  

Get in touch with the GA trucking accident attorneys who can provide you with the injury claim representation that could make the difference between getting a paltry settlement and protecting your medical welfare and financial future.

Providing the Legal Help You Need after Atlanta Trucking Accidents

Semi truck accident statistics underscore the dangers on Georgia roads. To learn more about your rights after you have been hurt in a car accident, request one of Shane Smith’s books: 10 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Georgia Wreck Case and Property Damage Guide for Georgia. These books provide valuable tips from an experienced Atlanta personal injury lawyer and facts for Georgia injury victims and are available free of charge to Georgia accident victims and their families. Contact our offices at (980) 246-2656

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