How Pre-Existing Conditions Factor into Your Georgia Personal Injury Claim (Part A)

When you are seeking damages in a personal injury claim, your recovery may be impacted by pre-existing conditions. For a better understanding of how you can protect your claim, contact an Atlanta personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

While it might make sense that if someone else is at fault for an accident they would be held liable for all of your damages, this isn’t always the case. Previous injuries could result in your claim being diminished or denied.

Impact of Pre-Existing Conditions in a Personal Injury Claim

Anyone seeking compensation after an accident will find themselves up against the insurance company. Their goal is to deny your claim or at least pay out as little as possible.

Navigating the claims process can be difficult enough without adding to it injuries you may have sustained in an unrelated accident or incident. The insurance company may try to use this against you.

For instance, let’s say you injured your back at work a year ago. If you required medical treatment and were out of work for a time, this would be considered a pre-existing condition.

Now you are involved in a serious car accident, and your doctor says that you have a ruptured disc that requires surgery. You will face expensive medical bills and lost earnings while out of work.

As a result of the accident, you may seek compensation for these expenses and losses through a Georgia personal injury claim. But if the insurance company finds out you had a prior back injury, they may try to say your current injuries are related to that and not the accident.

Don’t think you can hide this information. Very likely the insurance company will find out. This is why you will need strong legal representation working on your side. Call our firm today -(980) 246-2656

10 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Georgia Wreck Caseis intended to help people with auto accident injuries in the state of Georgia.  It is written to help you maximize your car accident settlement and prevent you from making one of the most common mistakes that will reduce the amount of money you receive from your auto accident settlement.

Don't fall victim to the insurance companies' tricks. Shane Smith is a personal injury attorney who has handled over a thousand of personal injury cases, and is fully aware of  the intentions of the insurance companies and what you should know. You NEED to get this free report before you sign any forms, give any statements, or talk to any adjustors.   Don't be caught off guard when you talk to the insurance company.

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