Muscogee, GA Injury Attorney: 4 Facts About Personal Injury Claims (Part B)

Statute of Limitations

It may be best to file a claim with a Muscogee, GA injury attorney as soon as possible following the incident. You have to file the personal injury claim within a specific time limit, and the laws vary by state. For example, in Georgia, you have two years to file a personal injury claim (one year for libel or slander cases).

It may be confusing when trying to figure out when the clock starts ticking. For instance, you may have suffered the actual injury one day, but may not have been aware of it until weeks or months later. This is common in medical malpractice cases.


You can bet that the negligent party will not give up without a fight, so be prepared for possible defenses from the opposition. One common defense is an assumption of risk. This is often used in contact sports, where being accidentally hit by another player is common. The defense will attempt to prove that the victim was aware of the risks but participated anyway.

The defense may also attempt to prove that the victim failed to mitigate damages. This means that the victim did or did not do something that ended up making the injuries worse. This is common in car accidents, where a victim may not receive medical attention until weeks later and then files a personal injury claim for a huge award.

Contacting a Lawyer

If you suffered injuries due to a personal injury caused by another party, you may be able to file a personal injury claim. A Muscogee, GA injury attorney from the Shane Smith Law will give your case the attention it deserves. Call today at (980) 246-2656 and ask about our free booklet 10 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Georgia Wreck Case.

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