Negligent Hiring can Lead to Truck Accidents

Trucking companies are responsible for the safety of their fleet and operations, which includes ensuring that their drivers are qualified to drive. Semi-trucks can weigh 80,000 pounds and travel at speeds of 70 miles-per-hour, or more, making them extremely destructive in the event of a collision. As a result of these inherent dangers, both state and federal law sets minimum standards for commercial truck driver’s qualifications and health conditions. While the companies that hire truck drivers are required to abide by these regulations, this is not always the case. In fact, even if a driver is qualified according to federal and state law, the driver may have some other characteristics that make him or her unsafe to drive a commercial truck. In cases where a trucking company negligently hired a truck driver that caused an accident, victims may be able to hold the company liable by filing a personal injury claim.

There are many situations in which a trucking company may be liable for negligently hiring a truck driver that causes an accident. Some of the more common issues with truck drivers that may result in liability for negligent hiring include:

  • Failure to conduct a background check
  • Hiring a truck driver with a history of DUI
  • Safety violations
  • Hours-of-service violations
  • Serious traffic tickets
  • Certain medical conditions
  • Hiring someone without a CDL
  • Previous accidents
  • Failed drug tests
  • Lack of required license endorsements

These are just some of the potential reasons a trucking company could be negligent in hiring a particular driver. After an accident, it is important for victims to have an experienced attorney review their case in order to spot any issues that may exist.

Contact a Fayette County truck accident attorney for a free consultation

If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident that you believe may have resulted from a negligent hire, you may be entitled to substantial compensation. To schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced truck accident lawyers, call Shane Smith Law today at (980) 246-2656.

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