Peachtree City Truck Accident Lawyers Go Over Ways to Obtain Evidence Against Driver or Truck Company (Part B)

Forms of Truck Accident Evidence 

Peachtree City truck accident lawyers can even help obtain evidence from government agencies. Government agencies may also have crucial truck accident evidence that can be used in your case. After a truck accident, it is required that a truck inspector assess the truck and trailer before it leaves the scene. The inspector looks over all the parts of the truck to determine if there are any signs of damage. This report can be obtained from the appropriate government agency.

You may also be able to contact the trucking company that employs the truck driver and ask to see his or her file. The truck driver’s file may have important information about his or her qualifications, past drug or alcohol use, or any disciplinary actions that may indicate a potential cause of the accident.

Some trucks may also have global positioning systems and on-board computers that show information about the truck’s driving patterns. These are crucial forms of evidence.

Contacting a Lawyer

Trucking companies do not want to be held liable for a truck accident. They may do things to remove themselves from liability, such as erase data and deny any wrongdoing. This is why hiring a lawyer right away is very important.

If you were involved in a truck accident, strive to collect as much truck accident evidence as possible to defend your case. A Peachtree City truck accident lawyer at Shane Smith Law will give your case the attention it deserves. Call today at (404) 513-5415 and ask about our free booklet, 10 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Georgia Wreck Case.

Get Your Copy Of This Georgia Accident Book - FREE!
10 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Georgia Wreck Caseis intended to help people with auto accident injuries in the state of Georgia.  It is written to help you maximize your car accident settlement and prevent you from making one of the most common mistakes that will reduce the amount of money you receive from your auto accident settlement.

Don't fall victim to the insurance companies' tricks. Shane Smith is a personal injury attorney who has handled over a thousand of personal injury cases, and is fully aware of  the intentions of the insurance companies and what you should know. You NEED to get this free report before you sign any forms, give any statements, or talk to any adjustors.   Don't be caught off guard when you talk to the insurance company.

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