Preparing for Winter Weather Driving Reduces Your Chances of Being Involved in an Atlanta Accident

It’s hard to imagine that winter is right around the corner after the Atlanta metro area has experienced nice temperatures in the 60s and 70s over the last couple weeks. But the winter weather is coming. In some years, snow, freezing rain, or black ice didn’t occur in the city until January; however, winter weather has started as early as mid-November during other years.

The Effects of Winter Weather on Driving

  • Annually, the U.S. experiences an average of 7,100 weather-related vehicle fatalities.
  • This number makes up about 24 percent of all nationwide fatalities each year.
  • In Georgia, cold weather, snow, freezing rain, and ice are the main causes of fatal Georgia auto accidents during the winter months.

Because we never know when roads will be affected by snow and ice storms, all drivers in Georgia and across the Southeast need to be prepared for driving in winter weather conditions.

Are you ready for winter weather driving?

Ice is the major winter weather issue across Georgia and drivers should be aware that bridges and overpasses generally freeze first. Additionally, black ice is not visible to drivers, which makes driving during the winter dangerous. It is best to stay home when the conditions are unsafe or stick to driving on the heavily traveled roads.

In order to make sure you are ready for winter weather driving in Atlanta, you should prepare by doing the following:

  • Have your tires checked immediately. Don’t wait until a winter storm hits Atlanta, get your tires inspected now. A tire can be a safety hazard if the tread is worn out. Overly worn and bald tires are the main cause of losing control in wet weather conditions. Tires are considered bald when they reach 2/32 of an inch deep.
  • Check your windshield wipers to make sure they work. If not, replace your windshield wipers before the winter storms arrive. Visibility is key in winter weather driving.
  • Get your brakes inspected. You need to have properly working brakes in winter weather conditions. Also, make sure your brake lights work.
  • Check all your lights. Inspect your taillights and headlights to make sure they are working.
  • Keep a winter emergency kit in your vehicle in case you do break down or get into an Atlanta car accident during the winter. This would include emergency flares, blanket, water, snacks, flashlight, first aid kit, and fluorescent distress flag.

Although being prepared can help you, other drivers may take too many risks during the winter season and cause you injuries in a Georgia car crash. If you have been injured by someone else’s negligence, call Shane Smith Law at (980) 246-2656 and speak with a qualified Atlanta personal injury lawyer in a free consultation today.

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