Seeking Medical Treatment Immediately After an Atlanta Auto Accident vs. Waiting

You got into an Atlanta car accident and suffered injuries; however, your injuries are not life-threatening so you forgo being transported to the hospital by ambulance. Maybe you are concerned about seeing a doctor or going to the emergency room because you are worried about racking up expensive medical bills, so you wait—hoping that your injuries will go away. However, you just made a costly mistake.

Waiting to seek medical care is a common mistake many victims of auto accidents make. As an Atlanta car accident lawyer, I am sharing this information with you so that you don’t make a critical mistake that could affect how much money you will receive from the insurance company.

Factors That Affect Your Compensation

  • Going to the Emergency Room – Believe it or not, going to the emergency room or urgent care clinic immediately following a crash (vs. waiting and going later) can influence the size of check you receive from the insurance company. This is because the insurance company increases the value of your claim if you go to the emergency room on the date of your accident, as they feel you must have been sincerely injured if you went to the hospital for treatment. Seeking medical care immediately after a crash is also good for your health, as doctors can treat or rule out serious injuries.
  • Following Doctor’s Orders – When injured, it is always best to follow your doctor’s orders for your health. Following your doctor’s orders also increases the value of your insurance settlement because insurance companies will look to see if you are following your treatment regimen like physical therapy, chiropractic care, etc. They know that people who are sincerely injured will be committed to getting medical help and following through with their treatments.

Our Atlanta personal injury law firm sees many people wait too long to seek medical care or legal representation, which affects them getting fair settlements. From the moment you are injured, it is critical that you seek medical care immediately so that you increase your chances of receiving the maximum compensation from the insurance company. By knowing how an insurance adjuster thinks and what he or she is looking for when evaluating your claim, you can significantly increase the size of check you get from your insurer.

If you have been injured by someone else’s negligence, you need to act quickly by seeking medical care so that you preserve your rights to benefits. If you wait to get examined by a doctor, you may get denied benefits or receive limited compensation. Call a skilled Atlanta accident lawyer for help making sure you receive a fair settlement.  Shane Smith Law will provide you with a free, no-obligation consultation so that you can make sure you receive a sizeable check from your insurance company. Call (980) 246-2656 to find out more today.

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