A head-on car crash can put a lot of strain on a crash victim's neck. But, the symptoms of a neck injury may not appear for hours, days, or even weeks after the crash. If you don't get treatment for your neck injury, you may end up with chronic pain.
Atlanta accident attorney Shane Smith suggests that all Georgia accident victims see a doctor to screen for hidden injuries and soft tissue injuries. But, remember some neck injuries take time to develop symptoms.
Symptoms of neck injury include:
- Pain or stiffness in the neck
- Pain, stiffness, or tingling in the shoulder, arm, or hand
- Sleep problems
- Poor concentration and memory
- Blurry vision
- Ringing in the ears
- Fatigue
- Weakness
If you suffer any of these symptoms in the weeks after a car accident seek medical attention.
Treatment of neck injuries should be covered by insurance. However, the insurance company may refuse to pay your claim if you delayed treatment. Learn more about mistakes that can harm your Atlanta car crash injury claim in our free book: "10 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Georgia Wreck Case."