Steps to Take after a Truck Accident

Following a commercial truck accident, it is no surprise that victims often do not know how to proceed. The wake of an accident can be confusing and stressful, and there may be much damage surrounding you, which can be frightening. However, what you do after an accident may either hurt or help your truck accident case. For this reason, Corinth truck accident lawyer Shane Smith gives this brief list of what to do following a truck accident.

  • Seek medical attention if necessary. If you have suffered serious injury and believe you should leave in an ambulance, make sure you do and seek appropriate emergency medical care for your injuries. Your health should be your immediate priority.

  • Check on others – If you are okay, check on any other potential accident victims and help them out of their cars if necessary. Then, make sure to call 911 for them.

  • Gather evidence – Collect everything you can from the scene of the accident, including names and contact info from each witness, license plate numbers, and more. Make notes as to the weather conditions and any other important details.

  • Contact an attorney – You should always call an attorney as soon as possible after an accident to discuss a possible claim, even if you do not believe you have one at first.

Contact a Corinth truck accident lawyer for a free consultation

If you have been injured in a commercial truck accident, you are likely entitled to substantial financial recovery from the responsible party. The truck accident attorneys at Shane Smith Law are highly accomplished and dedicated to protecting your rights in court and working to ensure you receive the full amount you deserve for your injuries. We always try to obtain the highest settlement amount possible in each individual case and will provide the highest quality of representation. To schedule a free consultation, call our office today at (980) 246-2656.

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