The Importance of a Truck Accident Police Report

The first priority of truck accident victims should be to seek emergency medical attention if necessary. However, if you did not suffer any serious injuries and can safely remain at the scene of the accident, you should make sure that you contact police and talk to the officers once they arrive on the scene. This is because you want to ensure that your full account of the events makes it into the police report. After you talk to the authorities and undergo a medical evaluation, you should always contact an experienced Coweta County truck accident attorney as soon as possible.

Police reports are often extremely useful in convincing a judge or jury that the truck driver should be held liable for the accident. If you believe the truck driver was at fault, you should always try to get that in the official report. You should additionally follow-up to receive a copy of the report and make sure everything you said was recorded completely and accurately. Police often pay more attention to criminal matters rather than civil matters such as car accidents. Therefore, there may be errors or omissions in a report that did not involve any criminal violations.

Though police reports may help your case, they are usually not enough on their own to win a case. However, police reports may be a good source of information to get in touch with witnesses and the trucking company. For all of these reasons, making sure you have a valid police report is usually helpful in your truck accident case.

Contact a Coweta County personal injury attorney for a free consultation

Every truck accident case will require thorough investigation outside of what the police report may say. You should not wait until you have obtained a police report to contact an experienced truck accident lawyer, as your lawyer will want to begin investigating your case as soon as possible. Do not delay in contacting Shane Smith Law today at (980) 246-2656 for help.

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