What to Do When an Atlanta School Bus Accident Causes Injuries to Your Child

For years, the yellow school bus has been a recognized symbol of safe transportation for children to get to school; however, school bus accidents in Georgia and throughout this nation do occur and leave parents unsure about their children’s safety on school busses. 

For instance, last year in May six school busses were all involved in a multiple Georgia bus accident east of Covington at mile marker 98, on I-20. This crash occurred as the busses were transporting over 200 middle school students from Burke County Middle School in Waynesboro, Georgia, to Six Flags. Unfortunately, this school bus crash caused over 50 injuries to those involved, and 50 others were checked for possible injuries. According to the Georgia Department of Public Safety, the bus accident was a chain reaction of crashes that apparently occurred due to traffic slowing for an upcoming lane closure. 

Just How Many School Bus Accidents Occur Each Year?

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports the following:

  • Approximately 25.1 million children ride 474,000 school buses each year.
  • About 8,000 children are injured in school bus accidents annually.
  • Less than 8 children die in school bus crashes per year.
  • An average of 17,000 children seek treatment in hospitals following school bus-related crashes every year.

NHTSA also reports that some of these statistics account for injuries that took place when bus drivers turn the corners too sharply and apply the brakes too hard – causing injuries to onboard children. When children are injured on a bus – whether it was caused by a negligent bus driver or another vehicle on the road – parents of children who were injured have a right to know how their child was hurt. 

How an Atlanta Accident Attorney Can Help

When your child is hurt in a Georgia school bus accident, you need to make sure that the school district doesn’t attempt to get away with trying to settle your child’s injury claim for as little money as possible. School districts have insurance companies and they are insured for these types of accidents. You shouldn’t feel badly getting compensated for injuries that your child suffered in an Atlanta school bus crash. 

Because these matters can be complicated, you should talk to a skilled lawyer to make sure your child’s settlement offer isn’t too low. You need to make sure the compensation covers your child’s ambulance ride, emergency room visit, hospital bills, tests, surgery, and more. Additionally, if you had to take off work to care for your child during this time, you need to make sure you are compensated for your time off as well. 

Our lawyers can help make sure you and your family receives the best outcome following a school bus accident. Call Shane Smith Law at 770-HURT-999 for a free consultation today.

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