Your teenager was injured in an Atlanta car crash as a passenger in someone else’s vehicle. Your teen tells you that he is sore, but that he is fine and doesn’t want to go to the doctor. The next thing you know, an insurance adjuster calls and wants to make your son an offer for his injuries.
What Every Parent of a Child Injured in an Accident Should Know
Insurance adjusters often prey upon victims of Atlanta auto accidents within the first few hours or days after a crash. They know that victims may not develop worse injuries in those first hours or days, and may not have gone to the doctor yet to determine possible injuries. They call during this time so that the monetary offer they present sounds like a large amount, and victims will be more likely to accept it. Be aware that an insurance adjuster’s initial offer usually is a low offer.
Parents of teenagers need to understand this, as well as the importance of making their son or daughter see a doctor for an evaluation after a crash. Whatever amount your teenager accepts will be final; you will not be able to ask for more when your teenager starts having back pain or other injuries caused from the crash.
This is why our Atlanta injury lawyers warn parents of teenagers not to allow their teens to talk with insurance adjusters until the full extent of your teen’s injuries are realized. It is best to consult an accident attorney to find out what your child’s case may be worth.
For more information about accident claim settlements, call Shane Smith Law at (980) 246-2656 and request your free case consultation today.