Bicycle and Helmet Safety

Georgia Pedestrian Accident Attorney Shane Smith Documents Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) Study on Helmet Study

Based on statistics from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, bicyclists who use helmets are far more likely and do survive accidents, especially when the incident involves head trauma. The following is a list of facts that should just how effective helmets are for bicyclists if they are involved in an auto accident with a motor vehicle:

  • Fewer than 2 percent of all car accident deaths are bicycle pedestrians.
    • The vast majority of these bicyclist deaths are due to head injuries, some of whom have not donned a protective helmet.   
  • The largest demographic of bike fatalities is 89 percent and consists of individuals aged 16 years and older.
  • Looking at 2009 alone, 9 out of 10 bicycle-related fatalities involved by a car crash occurred to individuals not wearing a helmet.

Speaking with a Buford pedestrian accident lawyer helps victims determine their legal rights and what they may be entitled to under Georgia State law.  

Based on these statistics and scientific studies and real-world examples proving the high effectiveness of helmets, it would serve as a great opportunity to educate people on some helmet-wearing tips. Therefore, what are some tips to use a helmet effectively?

Here are some recommendations based on the Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety:

  • Since everyone’s head is shaped differently, using multiple-shaped pads works best to get a safe and cushioning fit.
  • The fit should not be extremely tight either; the office recommends having 1 inch of space, allowing the helmet to move just enough back and forth.
  • Straps should be tested before riding. This means front and rear straps should be snug, have no slack, and should come together in a “V” orientation.

While helmets can help prevent death and injury in an auto accident, it is not absolute. If a loved one was wearing a helmet, or not wearing a helmet, and was involved in a motor vehicle accident as a pedestrian with a car or truck, a personal injury claim injury may exist. When you talk to a Gwinnett County pedestrian accident lawyer you will understand if a personal injury claim exists and what damages you may be entitled to. Do not let any more time pass to obtain justice and know your rights – speak with a Georgia pedestrian accident lawyer today!

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