Georgia Pedestrian Accident Cases and the Unexpected Pedestrian

According to the United States Department of Transportation data an average of over 60,000 pedestrians are injured in the United States each year. The Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) published a study that indicated the actual number of pedestrian injuries is likely much higher as reported data only includes injuries sustained in accidents with vehicles or bicycles.

Fayette County pedestrian accident attorney at Shane Smith Law can review the incident and advise a victim of his legal rights.

A recent Atlanta pedestrian accident illustrates the dangers that exist when someone is walking where other drivers do not expect to see people. An accident occurred when one car was turning right and struck a vehicle traveling straight. One of the drivers exited her vehicle to check on the condition of the other driver. While she was attempting to access the other vehicle the woman was struck by an oncoming car and killed. The other driver involved in the initial accident survived.

Georgia law explicitly states that drivers are supposed to avoid pedestrians on the road and are supposed to use precautions when pedestrians are near. A pedestrian is permitted to cross the street at any intersection provided they remain within the area between the sidewalks on each corner even if a crosswalk is not explicitly drawn. However, pedestrians are at great risk when they are walking in unexpected areas.

A pedestrian may be at fault when he is crossing the street between intersections that has a sign or signal indicating that the corner should not be used as a crosswalk. This will likely be viewed as jaywalking. It can make damages recovery difficult for an injured pedestrian and makes it even more crucial that a victim seek an experienced Fayette County pedestrian accident attorney.

Victims of pedestrian accidents may seek relief for such things as lost wages, medical expenses and pain and suffering. Victims should seek the assistance of a Fayette County pedestrian accident attorney to protect their rights by securing police reports, eyewitness testimony and physical evidence and to deal with insurance representatives. 

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