Every child enjoys trips to the playground.  Playgrounds allow children to socialize, exercise, and take risks on apparatus such as swings, monkey bars, and slides.  However, the playground is not always all fun and games for kids and their parents.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that over 200,000 kids aged fourteen and younger visit the emergency room each year as a result of injuries sustained on playgrounds.  Approximately 30% of these injuries are severe, including brain injuries, fractures, and internal injuries.  Moreover, the large majority of these injuries occur on public playgrounds.  If your child has been injured on a playground, it may be the result of a dangerous condition on the premises.  You should always consult with an attorney to see if you can get reimbursed for your child’s injuries.

Parents should not completely avoid taking their children to the playground out of fear of injury, however, as the CDC offers some basic safety tips to keep children safe while playing.  Many of these tips involve choosing the appropriate playground for your child.  You will want to:

  • Make sure the apparatus on a playground are not too advanced for your child’s age and physical ability. 
  • Make sure the playground grounds are well-maintained, with no debris or rusty or deteriorating equipment. 
  • Make sure the playground has adequate surface protection, which may consist of several inches of wood chips, rubber chips, or soft pea gravel.

Additionally, you want to ensure your child is wearing appropriate clothing that will not get caught in any playground equipment.  You should avoid long scarves or other particularly loose clothing items.  Finally, you should always ensure your child is properly supervised by you or another trusted adult.

In the unfortunate event that your child suffers injury on a playground, make sure you call a personal injury attorney to discuss a possible case.  Call (980) 246-2656 to schedule a free consultation with Shane Smith Law today.

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