Why Semi-Trucks Rollover

Trucking accidents injure thousands of people every year, sometimes resulting in serious injury to the victims involved. Truck accidents that occur due to carelessness or recklessness may entitle victims to substantial monetary compensation. Trucking companies are sophisticated litigants and will work hard to avoid liability for accidents for which they are responsible. As a result, it is important for anyone who has been involved in a trucking accident to retain the services of an experienced truck accident attorney as soon as possible after an accident. The personal injury lawyers of Shane Smith Law are dedicated truck accident advocates who work hard to get victims of negligence the compensation they deserve.

One of the most dangerous types of semi-truck accidents occur when a truck rolls over onto its side or even onto its roof. Known as rollover accidents, these accidents can cause serious and widespread damage and injury. When rollover accidents happen, they are often the result of negligence. Determining what caused the truck to rollover is often essential in establishing legal liability. Some of the most common causes of truck rollover accidents include:

  • Speeding
  • Improper braking
  • Over steering
  • Cornering too quickly
  • Improperly loaded or unbalanced cargo

An experienced truck accident attorney can help you determine what caused your accident and also help hold the party or parties responsible liable for your injuries.

Contact a Fayette County truck accident attorney for a free consultation

If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident, you may be entitled to substantial compensation. Some of the types of losses for which you may be able to recover in a personal injury case include compensation for any medical bills, pain and suffering, property damage, or lost income, among others. Personal injury claims are subject to a strict statute of limitations, meaning that there is a limited amount time in which a person can bring a claim. As a result, it is important for anyone who has been involved in an accident to consult with an attorney as soon as possible after the incident. In order to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced personal injury attorneys, call our office today at (980) 246-2656.

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