What Is the Dram Shop Act a Fayetteville Personal Injury Attorney Explains

If you were involved in an accident caused by a drunk driver, your case may be affected by the Dram Shop Act. A dram shop is a business where alcohol is sold and consumed on the premises, such as a bar, restaurant, or liquor store. This law forces business owners to take responsibility for the actions of others and prevent them from selling alcohol to those who are already intoxicated. 

Almost all states have some sort of dram laws, but the actual laws and penalties vary. A dram shop may be cited for various violations including: 

  • selling alcohol to a person who is  intoxicated;
  • selling alcohol to someone without proper identification;
  • selling alcohol to an underage customer; and
  • selling alcohol to a customer after hours. 

If an accident or injury is the result of alcohol sales to the customer, the dram shops may be held liable. However, there are limits to the amount of compensation that the victim can receive. Generally, one cannot sue a dram shop for pain and suffering and other non-economic damages. If you are a victim of a drunken driving accident, read our article about what to do after you have been hit by a drunk driver in Georgia.  

If you are a victim of a DUI accident in Georgia, you need legal representation. For an experiencedFayettevilleinjury lawyer, contact Shane Smith Law. His team will give your case the attention it deserves. Call them today at (980) 246-2656

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