Atlanta DUI Injury Attorney Stresses DUI Prevention for 4th of July Celebrations

The Fourth of July holiday is a time of celebrating our nation’s birthday. While most people gather with friends and family to watch fireworks and celebrate this holiday, it is important not to forget that this holiday is one of the deadliest days of the year for drunk driving crashes in Atlanta and throughout this nation.

Fourth of July Facts

In 2010, impaired driving was the cause of 10,000 deaths across this nation, which averages to about one fatality every 51 minutes. While these numbers account for the entire year, our Georgia DUI injury lawyers want to take a closer look at Fourth of July numbers specifically:

  • 392 car accident deaths occurred around Fourth of July festivities, ranging from 6:00 p.m. on July 2 to 5:59 a.m. on July 6. 
  • 39 percent of those crashes involved at least one driver with a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or higher. 
  • Over 80 percent of fatal drunk driving accidents occurred at night, between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 5:59 a.m.
  • 46 percent of alcohol-related fatalities affected 18 to 34-year-olds.

Sadly, too many Fourth of July celebrations turn deadly. The spike in fatal DUI accidents frequently occurs because party attendees do not realize how much alcohol he or she has consumed over the day-long celebration before getting into his or her vehicle to drive home. These deaths could be avoided if drivers plan ahead. 

Planning ahead includes researching transportation alternatives to decide how you will get home safely. Here are some Fourth of July transportation alternatives in the Atlanta-metro area:

  • Designate a sober driver who will go with you to the party.
  • Before you go out, ask a sober friend or family member to pick you up.
  • Take a taxi cab home, and be sure to put few cab numbers in your cell phone.
  • Call Saferide America at 404-888-0887 (a service for partygoers).
  • Call Be MY DD at 877-U-BEMYDD (877-823-6933). You can hire a designated driver or have a driver meet you where you are and take you home in your own car.
  • Call 1-800-AAA-HELP. This service, available by AAA, provides free tows and rides to drunk drivers.

There are so many alternatives for arriving home safely on July 4th that there really is no excuse to drink and drive. Plan ahead for your holiday celebration to ensure you get home safely. Keep in mind that regardless of how safe you are, someone else who failed to plan ahead may crash into you. 

If you find yourself a victim of an Atlanta DUI accident, call Shane Smith Law at (980) 246-2656. Our Georgia DUI victim attorneys will provide you with a free consultation to help you understand your rights and answer your questions. Don’t delay, call today. We also will give you a complimentary copy of our book, I Was Hit by a Drunk Driver: What Do I Do Next? The Guide for Victims of Georgia Drunk Driving Accidents.

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