Establishing Driver Intoxication In Georgia Wrongful Death Cases

There is nothing more horrific on Halloween than the death of a child. Unfortunately, pedestrian fatalities for children spike on this one day of the year. The reason? Although there are many factors that affect child pedestrian fatalities on Halloween, one of the biggest reasons are drunk drivers.

Drunk drivers are more careless, have delayed reactions, poor judgment, and aren’t thinking straight. When a driver—no matter if the person is a neighbor, friend, relative, or stranger—gets behind the wheel intoxicated, that driver should be held accountable for his or her actions.

By hiring an experienced Peachtree City wrongful death lawyer, you can find out if the driver did consume alcohol that night and was, in fact, impaired. Skilled attorneys can investigate to determine where the driver was that night, if he bought alcohol or was at a party that served alcohol. A good attorney will even hire an investigator to talk to bartenders and guests of the party to determine how much the driver had to drink before the Georgia wrongful death occurred.

To find out more about pursuing a Georgia wrongful death lawsuit, contact Shane Smith Law today at (980) 246-2656 to speak with a skilled attorney. We understand you are hurting and confused and in need of some information. Call us today to find out how we can help you, and we will explain to you more about wrongful death suits and your rights in a free consultation. We’re standing by to help.

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