Georgia Pi Attorney Shane Smith Discusses Premises Liability for Jonesboro Slip and Fall Accidents at Roller Skating Rinks.

Georgia Accident Attorney Shane Smith Discusses Liability of Roller Rink Operators & Jonesboro Sip and Fall Injuries

Roller skating rinks in Georgia have a legal duty to provide their patrons a reasonable and safe environment to skate without obstructions from other skaters and unsafe premises conditions. Based on O. C. G. A. § 51-1-43 (revised as of 2010), the owner of the roller skating company is under the following obligations to provide patrons, including spectators and roller skaters, within their premises:

Every roller skater owner/operator must post all duties required of spectator and roller skater clearly and thoroughly throughout the premises.

Generally accepted safety standards, based on those clearly spelled out within the roller skating industry, must be followed at all times. This is applicable to everywhere in the premises including surfaces where roller skating takes place and for the roller skating equipment roller skating patrons use at the facility.

 Other regulations that must be followed along with ensuring generally accepted safety standards include:

  • Make sure there are an adequate number of signs, symbols and notices posted around the facility and are readable.

Ensure that each roller skater while on the skating rink adheres to the following care of duty:

  • Is in control of their direction and speed
  • Has read all posted signs, warnings and information posted by the operator
  • Keeps a reasonable view if fellow skaters and objects on the skating floor
  • Understand their own limits of roller skating and stays within this range
  • Do not engage in activities that may cause injuries to other skaters
  • Everyone who chooses to skate on the roller rink understands there are inherent risks by roller skating

If the operator of the roller rink fails to uphold one of these duties through him or herself personally or through one of his or her employee’s they might be held accountable for injuries you sustain through their negligence. If you have been hurt and have required medical treatment for your Douglas County slip and fall accident due to the fault of a roller rink operator, call the Jonesboro accident attorney Shane Smith at Shane Smith Law (980) 246-2656.

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