Important Types of Evidence in an Atlanta Truck Accident Injury Claim (Part B)

Have an Atlanta Personal Injury Attorney Help Find the Right Types of Evidence

One of the main reasons an injury claim may be denied or only result in a low settlement offer is the lack of evidence. You should never ignore any types of evidence you can possibly collect to prove negligence, injuries or your losses in the case of a serious truck accident.

While evidence like photographs or police reports may be obvious to collect, in the case of a truck accident, there are many records held by the trucking company that can be critical to your injury claim. An experienced Atlanta auto injury attorney can help you seek the documentation trucking companies may be trying to hide that shows the driver was negligent in safe driving practices or violated truck driving laws.

There can be mountains of records, statements, reports, accounts and documents involved in your case that need to be sorted through. Just having all of the truck driver records isn’t enough to validate your injury claim. An Atlanta personal injury attorney can help you organize these types of evidence into a relevant statement showing the claim of negligence against the truck driver.

Lack of Critical Types of Evidence Can Ruin Your Injury Claim

Without supporting evidence that you suffered serious injuries and losses due to the negligent actions of a truck driver, the insurance company may deny your claim. Insurers of trucking companies see hundreds, even thousands, of truck accident claims every year, and if your claim doesn’t have the evidence to support a valid reason they should consider compensating you for your damages, they may dismiss it just as quickly as you filed it.

The settlement of your injury claim depends on having substantial, well-presented evidence of negligence, injuries and damages from a serious truck accident. Insurance adjusters are not going to put forth their own effort to help you gather this evidence – but an Atlanta auto injury attorney will.

Contact an Atlanta Auto Injury Attorney

After a serious or fatal truck accident you and your family may be dealing with the grief of serious injury, loss of a loved one and financial burdens. During this difficult time it’s easy to get frustrated with your situation – you didn’t deserve to suffer due to the negligence of another!

At Shane Smith Law we help accident victims seek justice after they’ve suffered injury and losses due to negligent drivers. We have helped victims in Atlanta and the surrounding areas gather the important types of evidence for cases of accidents caused by drunk drivers, negligent truck drivers, and accidents resulting in serious or fatal injury.

Before making the decision to hire an Atlanta personal injury attorney, request a copy of our FREE eBooks, I Was Hit By a Drunk Driver: What Do I Do Next? and 10 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Georgia Wreck Case. Our guides contain valuable information on how to handle filing a claim for serious injuries or wrongful death caused by a negligent driver. When you’re ready to get started on your claim, contact us to set up a FREE consultation – (980) 246-2656.

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