Ways to Receive Financial Benefits After Being Hit by a Drunk Driver in Atlanta

Despite the repeated times Georgia drivers and motorists have heard the saying “don’t drink and drive,” there is always someone who disregards this advice and intentionally gets behind the wheel of his or her car when drunk. Sadly, drunk drivers are a serious hazard to innocent drivers, pedestrians and cyclists on the streets of Georgia. 

When drivers are under the influence of alcohol, they often make erratic moves, like swerving in and out of their lane, speeding, or simply disregarding traffic lights and other road rules. Because of the risks they take, they can cause serious drunk driving accidents in Georgia. 

When someone is hit by a drunk driver in Atlanta and suffers injuries in that car accident, the victim and victim’s family immediately focus on the victim’s health and medical care. Dealing with the insurance company is not typically on the forefront of an injured victim’s mind. However, serious health issues can cost a lot of money. The victim of a Georgia DUI accident should speak with an attorney so that the lawyer can make a claim for damages on the victim’s behalf. 

Georgia DUI victim lawyers know how to protect victims and what avenues to look for to receive financial benefits. Sometimes lawyers only pursue compensation through the insurance companies, but sometimes there are more parties involved that could be held liable. An attorney who is advocating for you will pursue all avenues to help you receive the most compensation available. 

Access All Available Financial Compensation by Working with a Georgia DUI Victim Attorney

For example, if you were hit by a drunk driver in Atlanta while driving a company vehicle, or while running an errand for your boss on company time, then you may be entitled to financial benefits through workers’ compensation. Although the main culprit is the drunk driver and his insurance company, if that driver doesn’t have enough insurance to cover your medical bills, then workers’ compensation benefits may pick up some of the costs. 

If you are permanently or temporarily disabled for at least twelve months due to the injuries you sustained in the accident, then you may be entitled to Social Security Disability benefits. Additionally, you may be entitled to benefits for vocational rehabilitation from your employer or from the state’s vocational rehabilitation agency. You may also be eligible for benefits from the state’s crime victim compensation program. 

When working with a skilled Atlanta DUI victim lawyer, you can find more avenues of compensation to which you are entitled. If you or a family member was hit by a drunk driver in Atlanta and was injured, please call Shane Smith Law at (980) 246-2656 to request a free consultation. We also can provide a complimentary copy of our book, I Was Hit by a Drunk Driver: What Do I Do Next? The Guide for Victims of Georgia Drunk Driving Accidents.

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