Whether they are for a weekend or a month, road trips can be a great and affordable way to spend time together and see a large part of the country. However, along with the enjoyment and benefits of road trips, driving and/or riding in the car for extended periods of time increases the chances of auto accidents for various reasons. The last thing you want for you or your family is to be stuck halfway across the country when someone suffers serious injury in an auto accident. It also may be more complicated and inconvenient to legally recover for any injuries outside of your hometown. First and foremost, you should take every precaution to avoid accidents and keep your family safe. However, if you or a loved one suffers injury in an auto accident on a road trip, a Fayette County accident attorney is here to help you.
Here are some basic tips to stay safe on road trips:
- Perform vehicle maintenance prior to leaving. A pre-trip check-up should include tires, brakes, belts, hoses, lights, wipers, and cooling systems. A thorough check-up will help to prevent malfunctions on the road, which may cause accidents.
- Stay buckled up. On extended trips, it may be tempting to unbuckle your seat belt to stretch out across seats, recline, and take naps. Though unbuckling may mean added comfort, it also puts you at higher risk for injuries should an accident occur.
- Avoid fatigued driving. Driving for hundreds of miles at a time, especially on monotonous highways, may cause a person to lose energy and concentration. Make sure to regularly switch drivers if possible. If there is only one eligible driver, make sure to take regular breaks, get out of the car, walk around and get you blood flowing. If necessary, stop for a nap or to sleep for the night at a motel.
If you follow these and other safety precautions, chances are your family will enjoy an exciting and educational road trip. However, in the event you are involved in an auto accident, contact Shane Smith Law at (980) 246-2656 as soon as possible. We have dedicated auto accident lawyers on hand to help you recover.