Fighting for Georgia DUI Accident Victims

According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 2,597 people were killed in United States traffic accidents in December 2010. Of those, 775 deaths involved alcohol-impaired drivers. A 2006 study by the NHTSA estimated that there is one drunk driving fatality in the United States every 30 minutes.

Georgia's Driving Under the Influence Laws are complex. According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 2,597 people were killed in United States traffic accidents in December 2010. Of those, 775 deaths involved alcohol-impaired drivers. A 2006 study by the NHTSA estimated that there is one drunk driving fatality in the United States every 30 minutes. Clayton County DUI injury attorney Shane Smith can sort through the intermingled laws that potentially create complications in a DUI case.

Lawmakers across the country have recognized impaired drivers' continuing dangers. Georgia's DUI law was passed in 2008 and enhanced offender punishments. House Bill 336 harshly punishes first-time offenders (who must undergo a drug and alcohol evaluation) as well as repeat offenders (four DUI counts within ten years is a felony offense rather than a misdemeanor). However, there is no further attention to victims, either for assistance or compensation.  

DUI victims may have flashbacks of the accident. Pain resulting from the accident may be a constant reminder. They may have to endure costly surgeries, medical treatment, long-term rehabilitation and therapy and medication or prescription costs. This continuing reminder of the pain and expense is not a choice for the victim; this is the price the victim pays for another's recklessness. A DUI accident victim frequently is unable to return to work again and another family member may need to care for the victim. The victim's lost income and the altered or lost income from the caregiver should be the responsibility of the DUI offender.

If you have questions about Georgia DUI laws, get the answers in Clayton County DUI injury attorney Shane Smith's book, I Was Hit By a Drunk Driver: What Do I Do Next? Contact Shane Smith Law at (980) 246-2656 to schedule a free legal consultation.

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