Why Preparation is Needed in an Atlanta Wrongful Death Lawsuit

The unexpected death of someone you love is tragic and overwhelming. Whether your loved one died as a Georgia DUI victim or in a surgery gone wrong, you have now come face to face with the Georgia legal system and are prepared to file a wrongful death lawsuit to be awarded damages and to seek justice.

When filing a wrongful death lawsuit in Atlanta, requires excellent preparation and time. Because you will need a lawyer to maximize your chances of recovering the most possible, you will need to entrust your case to an experienced wrongful death attorney. Lawyers skilled in wrongful death laws will:

  • Determine the financial amount lost. If you lost a spouse or someone who was helping monetarily support the family at the time of his or her death, an attorney will make sure that an analysis is done. An economic analysis will review the decedent’s past wages and expected future income to determine the amount of lost financial support to which the heirs are entitled.
  • Determine a value for your loss of companionship and comfort. Heirs of the decedent may be able to claim loss of comfort and companionship; however, their attorney has to convince the other side, or the judge and jury, of a monetary value for such damages. This requires skill and preparation.
  • Determine life expectancy. A wrongful death lawyer skillfully and analytically establishes a life expectancy for the decedent based on his or her age, lifestyle, health, and occupation. Only an experienced attorney should be hired in wrongful death cases.
  • Determine if an estate is needed. If there are many claimants, a probate estate may need to be created in order for the heirs to be able to recover under the wrongful death statute. A skilled attorney will be able to determine whether an estate should be created or not.

As you can see here, a skilled wrongful death attorney can help you recover the right amount of damages by preparing, analyzing, and convincing the other side, or the jury, of the amount you are entitled to for your losses. Proving damages and liability takes skill, and the experience of Atlanta wrongful death attorney Shane Smith can benefit you. Call Shane Smith Law today for a free consultation at (980) 246-2656 to find out more.

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