Important Steps to Take After a Tractor-Trailer Accident

According to statistics released by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMSCA), there are generally over 300,000 accidents involving large trucks each year. These accidents have the potential to result in catastrophic injuries to the people involved and may even be fatal. As in other cases involving preventable accidents, when truck accidents occur because of the negligence of one or more parties victims may be able to recover by filing a personal injury lawsuit. Establishing negligence can be a legally complicated task, and you can be certain that trucking companies have teams of attorneys in place to avoid legal liability arising from accidents. As a result, anyone who was been involved in a truck accident should be certain to retain the services of an experienced Gwinnett truck accident lawyer as soon as possible after an accident.

After a truck accident, you may be confused an in shock, as well as unable to remember exactly how the accident occurred. Unfortunately, the things you say and do immediately following a truck accident may help or hurt your case against those responsible for your accident. Here are some things that truck accident victims should do after an accident, if they are able:

  • Attend to emergency medical needs – After making sure that you do not need emergency medical attention, check on others that were involved in the crash. Contact emergency medical personnel, if necessary.
  • Document information – Gather as much information as possible about the accident. This can include facts like the names of the drivers involved, the weather conditions at the time of the crash, road conditions, the name of the trucking company, the license plate numbers of the vehicles, and the like.
  • Seek medical attention – After a truck accident, you should be sure to undergo a thorough medical evaluation.
  • Hire a lawyer – Hiring a lawyer is the best way to make sure that you receive the full amount of compensation you deserve for you injuries.

Contact a Gwinnett truck accident lawyer for a free consultation

If you or a loved one has been injured in a trucking accident, you may be entitled to substantial compensation. To schedule a free, no obligation consultation with one of our truck accident attorneys, call Shane Smith Law today at (980) 246-2656

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