Atlanta DUI Injury Lawyer Discusses Damages for Drunk Driving Victims

Georgia DUI victims suffer physical injuries, but they also suffer financially. Very few people are prepared for the financial consequences of a serious injury. When the medical bills begin to pile up, DUI victims and their families may worry. If the injured person is unable to work, the family may have trouble meeting even basic expenses 

Atlanta DUI Injury lawyers help families cope with the financial aftermath of Georgia drunk driving accidents. Georgia DUI victims have the right to use a civil lawsuit to seek both compensatory and punitive damages from the drunk driver who caused their accident.

Compensatory damages refer to the compensation needed to replace what was lost in an accident. They include:

  • Medical bills, including: emergency room costs, ambulance fees, hospital bills, doctor’s office visits, physical therapy, occupational therapy, counseling and other mental health services, home health aides, medication, prosthetic devices, medical devices like crutches or wheelchairs, and more
  • Vehicle damage
  • Transportation costs while the vehicle is being repaired
  • Lost wages 
  • Loss of future wages or earning-potential due to injury or disability
  • Compensation for disability
  • Compensation for change in lifestyle
  • Compensation for pain and suffering
  • Other additional expenses, such as extra child care
  • Funeral expenses
  • Losses to a family because of a Georgia DUI accident victim’s death

Many victims of Georgia drunk driving crashes are also eligible for punitive damages. Punitive damages refer to money that is awarded to an injury victim in order to punish the party that caused the injury for reckless or wrongful behavior.

Do you have questions about compensation for your Georgia DUI injuries? Contact the Law Offices of Atlanta DUI Injury lawyer Shane Smith at (980) 246-2656 and ask to schedule a free consultation.

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