Gwinnett County PI Attorney Shane Smith Explains Industrial Disease Personal Injury Claims

Georgia Attorney Shane Smith Explains The Basics When It Comes to Industrial Disease Claims

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ 2011 report of occupational illnesses, there are countless incidents of industrial diseases directly attributable to negligent business owners. Here are some statistics:

  • Industry wide there was over 33,000 cases of skin disorders directly related to employment
  • Over 18,000 cases of respiratory conditions were diagnosed because of hazardous working conditions
  • Over 2,500 cases of worker poisonings were recorded during this time-frame

Business owners have a duty of care to provide their workers with a reasonably safe workplace. It doesn’t matter if a worker is working in an office or on the floor of a factory producing goods. There are some universal responsibilities that all employers must follow in their legal duty to their employees.

  • Business owners have to give their workers adequate protection for their jobs
  • Workers must be protected from injurious substances that they come in contact with
  • Employers must adequately train and supervise their workers to not injury themselves or co-workers
  • Businesses must also have established practices that regulate how work is performed to minimize the risk of injury

Unfortunately, when a negligent business owner fails to train, supervise, and have established practices for their workers severe injuries can occur. If a business owner is proven to have failed to provide the training, supervision, and correct materials for a worker to do his or her job, a business owner may be held liable in a civil court through a Georgia personal injury claim.

If you or a family member has suffered severe injuries including breathing conditions, lacerations, burns, blindness, or other types of injuries at work, contact a Gwinnett County PI attorney at Shane Smith Law to determine the cause of your industrial disease. Your Lilburn attorney will speak with you and determine the exact cause of your injuries and see how exactly you suffered from the unsafe work conditions. Call (980) 246-2656 for your free legal consultations to protect your legal rights!

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