Information Regarding Underride Truck Accidents

Have you ever wondered what attracts someone to become a truck driver? You may be surprised to learn that this profession is generally chosen not because truckers like driving or are good at driving. In fact, people often turn to this line of work because they need money to support their families—ultimately finding themselves stuck behind the wheel for life.

Unfortunately, driving a large semi-truck for approximately ten hours a day takes a toll on a trucker’s body. Many truck drivers often suffer from sleep disorders, digestive problems, circulatory problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, and even heart disease. Additionally, truckers often suffer from depression and other health hazards due to being stuck in a cab of a truck all day long.

Why Are Truckers Some of the Most Dangerous Drivers in Georgia?

In order to stay awake behind the wheel and deal with their health issues, many truck drivers rely on nicotine, caffeine, or prescription pills to get them through their days. Consequently, these habits can be dangerous and are factors in many trucking accidents in Georgia and nationwide. Additionally, truckers don’t see their families very often, and because they are constantly under pressure to meet their deadlines, they often do not pull over to the side of the road to call home. Instead, they are likely to make phone calls and send text messages while they are driving—also very dangerous and illegal activities that lead to truck crashes.

Because many truck drivers participate in dangerous driving habits, and because they spend more time on the road than other drivers, they are actually some of the nation’s most dangerous drivers. While not every truck driver engages in unsafe driving behaviors, many participate in the following dangerous driving habits, including:

  • Speeding
  • Texting while driving
  • Driving distracted
  • Driving too many hours
  • Driving while sleepy
  • Overloading their trucks
  • Making unsafe lane changes

While many truck drivers don’t set out to be dangerous drivers, they often view their cab as their home away from home. This causes them to become comfortable with their surroundings and more likely to participate in some of the aforementioned dangerous driving habits. Unfortunately, when truck drivers engage in these unsafe behaviors innocent people suffer as a result.

If you have been injured in a Newnan truck crash due to a negligent truck driver, you may be entitled to compensation for your serious injuries. To find out more about your rights to a financial recovery and economic justice, please call an experienced accident attorney. A skilled Coweta County truck accident attorney at Shane Smith Law is experienced in representing victims of Georgia trucking accidents. Call us today for a free consultation at (980) 246-2656

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