Navigate the Truck Accident Claim Process with a Georgia Personal Injury Attorney (Part B)

My attorney filed my truck accident claim; now what? 

An injury claim is more than just stacks of forms that you have to fill out and submit – successful truck accident claim relies on solid evidence demonstrating that the truck driver or related party was negligent and caused your accident. You will also need to show proof of your damages such as medical expenses, permanent disabilities, lost wages, and emotional distress. 

Work with your Georgia personal injury attorney to gather documentation, witness testimony, medical records, and other evidence necessary to justify your claim for damages. Without evidence to prove that the other party was more responsible for causing the truck accident than you were, you may lose your right to a settlement. 

Dealing with Truck Accident Settlements 

The majority of the work and frustration that comes with a truck accident claim is generally experienced during the evidence gathering step, but that doesn’t mean you’re finished with negotiations. Once your evidence has been gathered and presented to the insurance company, it’s time to determine just how much your claim is worth. 

One of the many benefits of working with a Georgia personal injury attorney is that an attorney can look at cases he or she settled previously and use them as a comparison to your case. If you haven’t determined an estimate for a fair settlement, bring any settlement offers to your attorney immediately. Do not accept a settlement until your attorney has reviewed it – the attorney's job is to help you obtain the full amount your claim is worth! 

As you near the end of your truck accident claim, keep in close communication with your attorney before accepting any settlement offers. Once you sign the settlement agreement, you’re typically unable to file any further damage claims. If you’ve worked with an attorney throughout your claim, you should be ready to accept your rightful settlement and put the ordeal behind you! 

There Are Many Reasons to Have a Georgia Personal Injury Attorney

When your family is recovering from the impact of a serious truck accident, you don’t need to be burdened with gathering documentation to file a personal injury claim. At Shane Smith Law, we help truck accident victims seek justice for the injury and losses they experience due to negligent drivers. 

Before making the decision to hire a lawyer, request a copy of our FREE eBooks, I Was Hit By a Drunk Driver: What Do I Do Next? and 10 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Georgia Wreck Case. Our guides contain valuable information on how to handle filing a claim for serious injuries or wrongful death caused by a negligent driver. When you’re ready to get started on your claim, contact us to set up a FREE consultation – (980) 246-2656

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