Man Falls Asleep at Traffic Light Holding Burrito, too Drunk to Wake Up

According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 2,597 people were killed in United States traffic accidents in December 2010. Of those, 775 deaths involved alcohol-impaired drivers. A 2006 study by the NHTSA estimated that there is one drunk driving fatality in the United States every 30 minutes.

Georgia's Driving Under the Influence Laws are complex. Georgia DUI injury attorney Shane Smith can sort through the intermingled laws that potentially create complications in a DUI case.

A 36-year-old man in another state was arrested for DUI after he fell asleep at a red light while holding a half-eaten burrito.

The man was observed by a witness drifting across lanes for almost five miles. He then stopped at a red light and appeared to fall asleep. The witness observed the car for almost 15 minutes while it did not move through multiple traffic light cycles.

The driver fell asleep with his foot on the brake and the engine running. Police reported that the man was still holding a half-eaten burrito as he slept.

Officers banged on the driver's window for nearly 10 minutes without being able to wake him. They finally broke a window and secured the car before waking the driver.

The man's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was 0.177 percent, twice the legal limit.

If you have questions about Georgia DUI laws, get the answers in Clayton County DUI injury attorney Shane Smith's book, I Was Hit By a Drunk Driver: What Do I Do Next? Contact Shane Smith Law to schedule a free legal consultation.

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