Aggressive Driving and Semi-Truck Drivers

Truck accidents injure thousands of motorists and bystanders each year, sometimes seriously. The injuries that people can sustain in semi-truck crashes can require long-term and expensive medical care, and may even cause a person to be unable to work. As a result, Georgia law allows people who have been injured in negligently caused truck accidents to recover for their losses through a personal injury lawsuit. Determining liability in a semi-truck accident can be a complicated and contested legal process, which is why it is extremely important for victims of truck accidents to retain the services of an experienced Coweta County truck accident attorney. The personal injury attorneys of Shane Smith Law understand how to get truck accident victims the compensation they deserve, and strive to obtain the highest possible settlement or award for each client we represent.

One common cause of semi-truck accidents is aggressive driving on the part of the truck driver. Truck drivers often spend long hours on the road, and are often incentivized to deliver goods in a certain amount of time. As a result, they may engage in careless or reckless driving in order to maintain a certain pace. When truck drivers engage in aggressive driving, they may be held liable for any injuries that they cause. Some common ways in which a truck driver may drive aggressively include:

  • Speeding
  • Careless lane changes
  • Weaving
  • Following too closely
  • Failure to yield the right of way

There is no excuse for a truck driver to drive in such a way as to endanger the safety of other motorists. Anyone who believes that they have been injured by a truck driver who was driving aggressively should consult with an experienced truck accident attorney as soon as possible.

Contact a Coweta County Truck Accident Attorney Today for a Free Consultation

If you have been injured in a semi-truck accident, you may be entitled to substantial compensation. In order to schedule a free consultation with one of our personal injury attorneys, call Shane Smith Law today at (980) 246-2656.

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