Can I Always Sue After an Injury?

If you are injured in an accident, you likely will face financial losses due to medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and more.  Many accident victims decide to file a personal injury claim in court to try to get compensated for any expenses they paid out of pocket.  Usually, a personal injury case is a good way for accident victims to receive just compensation and make them whole again.  However, in limited circumstances, personal injury victims do not have the right to sue the responsible party.  In those cases, it is very important that you contact an experienced Coweta County accident attorney to find out what your options are for getting properly compensated for your injuries.

There are three main types of accidents after which you may likely not file a lawsuit:

  1. Auto accident with non-serious injuries—Georgia is a no-fault insurance state, which means that your insurer will cover the damage and medical costs of the accident whether it was your fault or not.  There are some exceptions to the no-fault rule that allow you to recover by filing a claim in court.  For instance, in auto accidents, they result in serious injuries and expenses above the allotted insurance amount.  You also may recover from pain and suffering.
  2. Workplace injuries—The worker’s compensation system is in place to make sure workers are protected if they suffer illness or injury on the job.  Because the employees are compensated by the Georgia worker’s comp, they do not also have the right to sue their employer and recover twice.  Employees may sue in very limited circumstances
  3. Suits against the government—In many cases, governmental employees have immunity from lawsuits for acts committed while on the job.  There are some circumstances in which an individual may sue the government, however, and an attorney can identify those circumstances for you.

Contact a Fayette County personal injury attorney for a free consultation

If you have suffered any type of personal injury and would like to talk about a potential case, do not hesitate to call Shane Smith Law at (980) 246-2656. An experienced PI attorney is ready to help you.

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