Child Car Seats and Broadside Collisions

Broadside collisions are one of the most dangerous types of car accidents. A broadside, or “T-bone,” collisions occurs when the front end of one motor vehicle collides with the side of another motor vehicle. This can be extremely dangerous for any person sitting on the side of the vehicle where the collision occurred. Cars are generally well-equipped with crash protection in the front and back of the vehicle. Crumple zones and bumpers serve as barriers in the front and back, however, there are no such barriers on the sides of cars. In a broadside accident, only the thin door separates an occupant from the crashing car.  As you may imagine, a door often does not provide much protection from serious injury. If you or a loved one has been injured in a broadside collision, you should contact an experienced auto accident lawyer as soon as possible to help you receive the compensation you deserve.

Children are especially at risk for injury in broadside accidents because of their relatively small size. Specifically, severe head injuries may occur, as their head is often at the same level as the crashing car. To make matters worse, currents standards for car seats and other child restraint systems do not adequately brace or protect a child in broadside accidents. In fact, these devices are not even tested for safety in this type of collision.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently proposed a new regulation that would require crash-testing on all child safety devices and car seats specifically geared toward broadside collisions. Manufacturers will be required to simulate broadside crashes using a small, 30-pound crash dummy to ensure that a child’s neck and head would be sufficiently protected. The car seats will not be able to be sold until they meet the new standards.

Contact a Fayette County Personal Injury Attorney for a Free Consultation

If your child has been involved in a broadside collision and has suffered injury, you deserve to be compensated for all medical costs, pain and suffering, and other losses that resulted from the accident. You should not delay in contacting an experienced auto accident attorney to discuss a potential case. Shane Smith Law takes all personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, which means you do not pay us unless you win you case. Call our office today at (980) 246-2656 for help.

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