Truck Driver Error Causes Truck Accident

Commercial truck accidents occur every day across the United States and an estimated 500,000 accidents are reported each year.  These accidents cause hundreds of millions of dollars in damage, including property damage, medical expenses, insurance costs, and court settlements.  There are many different potential causes for commercial truck accidents.  Accidents may happen because of a mechanical failure, improper cargo loading, adverse road or weather conditions, or much more.  One of the most common causes for commercial truck accidents, however, is error on the part of the driver.  Commercial drivers undergo strict testing and training before getting behind the wheel of these large big rigs.  However, these drivers are only human and, at times, they make mistakes, have errors in judgment, or simply make irresponsible and potentially dangerous decisions.  If a truck driver acts negligently or recklessly and causes an accident, he should be held responsible for all of the injuries and damages he caused.  If you have been a truck accident victim, call a Coweta County truck accident lawyer as soon as possible to help you recover for your losses.

Common examples of truck driver error include:

  • Distracted driving behaviors, including talking or texting on cell phones, eating, grooming, reading, or other activities that take attention from the road
  • Aggressive driving, speeding, dangerous lane changes, or failing to obey other traffic laws
  • Fatigued driving, not following hours of service regulations, failing to get adequate rest
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Not adjusting driving behaviors or equipment to changing weather or road conditions
  • Failing to conduct proper regular inspections on their trucks

These are only some of the negligent behaviors that regularly occur among commercial truck drivers.  If you have been in a truck accident, you deserve to be compensated for your injuries by the responsible party.  Call a truck accident attorney at Shane Smith Law at (980) 246-2656 today.

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