Why You Should Take Notes Following an Auto Accident

If you are in an auto accident due to someone else’s negligence, chances are you can recover for your injuries, property damage, and other losses by filing a lawsuit. However, your chances of recovery increase if you take certain steps to preserve evidence for your case. Many people are too stressed or flustered to remember to take photos or other steps at the scene of the accident. However, once you get home, you should always begin taking notes regarding the accident. An experienced auto accident attorney in Coweta County will be able to use notes you take to help your case.

As soon as you are able to do so, you should write down everything you remember about the accident. Such details may include how fast you were going, what lane you were in, where the other car came from, how you remember the impact, and what happened after the crash. Lawsuits can often take months or over a year, and it is only natural that details may become fuzzy. Any notes you took following the accident will help solidify details in your mind and will be more reliable than mere memory.

Furthermore, throughout your case, you should continue to write down any new details that you remember or that may arise. For example, you should take thorough notes regarding your injuries. Even though medical records will show your diagnosis and the nature of treatment you received, your notes will additionally show how much pain you are suffering or how difficult your injury is making everyday tasks. All of this can be helpful in determining how much of a settlement you deserve and providing evidence of why you deserve such compensation.

Contact a Coweta County personal injury attorney for a free consultation

In addition to taking notes, you always want to contact an auto accident lawyer as soon as possible to discuss a possible case. Call Shane Smith Law today at (980) 246-2656.

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