Residential Complex Accidents

Many people in and around the Atlanta area live in residential complexes that have common areas that are the responsibility of the property management company or landlord to maintain. These common areas can include lobbies, stairwells, and hallways that have the potential to have dangerous conditions that may cause injuries. Personal injury law allows for people injured in these types of accidents to recover for their losses if they are able to establish that their accident was caused by the negligence of another. The attorneys of Shane Smith Law are available to review the facts of your accident at no charge to you and advise you as to whether you have claim.

Common Types of Residential Complex Accidents

There are many kinds of injury-causing accidents that may occur in residential complex common areas. Some of the more common include the following:

  • Slip and Falls

  • Falls on stairs

  • Elevator or escalator accidents

  • Incidents involving inadequate security

  • Pool or hot tub accidents

  • Accidents involving inadequate lighting

  • Parking lot accidents

After an accident occurs at a residential complex, victims should be certain to document as many facts about the accident as possible. In addition, report the matter to the landlord or property manager as soon as possible. If you can, try and take pictures of the location where your accident occurred. Finally, be sure to seek medical attention for any injuries you have sustained.

Contact a Brooks Personal Injury Attorney for a Free Consultation

People who are injured in residential complexes may be entitled to significant compensation. It is very important for victims to note that in Georgia, personal injury claims are subject to a strict statute of limitations, which means that victims have a limited amount of time to file a claim. Our attorneys are dedicated to helping people injured in preventable accidents recover. To schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys, call our office today at (980) 246-2656.

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