It Won't Happen to Me: Drivers' Alternate Distracted Driving Universe

Distracted driving accidents killed 3,092 people in 2010 according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. It is estimated that an additional 416,000 people were injured in automobile crashes involving a distracted driver.

Consulting a Clayton County attorney after an auto accident involving a distracted driver enhances a victim's ability to receive a reasonable settlement. If you have been injured in an automobile accident involving a distracted driver in Clayton County you should discuss your case with an auto accident attorney at Shane Smith Law.

According to the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.) section 40-6-241.2, drivers are prohibited from texting while driving. Though it is already common knowledge that texting while driving is hazardous, recent studies show that the risks do not seem to dissuade drivers.

According to a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), roughly 660,000 people at any daylight moment are using their cell phones while driving. The government agency asserts that most drivers "know that texting while driving is a dangerous behavior." Yet many of these people are in denial of their own impaired driving, refusing to see that their driving competence decreases when distracted.

Over 48 percent of those surveyed admitted that they answered their phones while driving at least some of the time. Of those, 58 percent admitted that they continued driving after answering the phone. Over 14 percent admitted they texted and e-mailed while driving.

The survey found that 76 percent of drivers said they would likely say something if they were a passenger and their driver was writing a text. Of this group, over 20 percent admitted to at least occasionally reading or sending texts while driving.

If you or someone you know has been hurt by a distracted driver, meet with a Clayton County auto accident lawyer at Shane Smith Law.

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