Recovery after a Train Accident

Trains are a comparatively safe form of transportation in the United States. According to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), approximately 3,000 train accidents occur per year in the United States, as opposed to the millions of car accidents. However, because of weight and size of a train, train accidents have a high rate of fatality, as over 25 percent of people involved in a train accident die from their injuries. This added up to 803 fatalities in 2012, and many more serious and permanently disabling injuries. If you have been injured in a train accident, call an experienced Fayette County personal injury attorney to discuss a possible case.

Train accidents can result in a collision with a motor vehicle, collision with another train, collision with a pedestrian, or injury to passengers on the train. There are many causes for train accidents, many of which involve negligence on the part of the train operator or train company. Some common causes include the following:

  • Driver error, including fatigued driving, impaired driving, distracted driver, and more.

  • Malfunctioning of the mechanics or electrical system of the train due to inadequate inspection or maintenance.

  • Defective design of the train or train track.

  • Improper maintenance of the train track.

There are many other acts of negligence that may lead to train accidents, and injured victims deserve to receive compensation by filing a personal injury claim. Since train companies are large corporations with legal teams and many resources, so you always want to have a highly experienced accident lawyer on your side.

Contact a Fayette County Personal injury attorney for a free consultation

If you have been injured in any type of train accident, you should not delay in contacting an attorney who has experience in handling complex personal injury cases against large companies. An attorney from Shane Smith Law knows how to take on train companies to prove negligence and help injured victims recover for all of their losses. Do not hesitate to call (980) 246-2656 to schedule your free consultation today.

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