Preparing & Driving for Winter Reduces Norcross Auto Accidents

While Gwinnett County and the City of Norcross generally don’t experience heavy snow, there are winter weather conditions that occur such as frost, sleet, ice on the roadways, fog, and heavy rain. Because of these conditions, all drivers are at an increased risk of being involved and injured in an auto accident in Norcross and throughout this nation. Winter weather makes driving difficult for numerous reasons, including:

  • Ice can increase a driver’s potential for losing control.
  • Fog makes it difficult to see.
  • Snow and sleet can cause vehicles to skid or not stop in time.

Due to the increased chances of being involved in a winter weather crash, it is important that every driver remember these things:

  • Check your tires to make sure there is enough tire tread and that they are inflated correctly.
  • Check all fluid levels including windshield washer fluid, oil, brake, and anti-freeze levels.
  • Have your vehicle serviced to ensure the brakes and everything is working correctly.
  • Don’t drive using cruise control on snowy or icy roads.
  • Drive with your headlights on in winter conditions so that you can see clearly and that other motorists can see you.
  • Drive more carefully and slowly than normal, especially when approaching bridges since they tend to freeze sooner than other roads.
  • Slow down when approaching a turn or curve.
  • Listen to weather forecasts so you can be prepared.
  • Keep an ice scraper, small shovel, flashlight, jumper cables, water, blanket, and first aid kit in your vehicle.

By keeping these things in mind when you drive during the winter months, you can help reduce your chances of being in a Norcross car accident or crash throughout Georgia. Additionally, it is critical that parents show their children how to drive correctly in these conditions so they are prepared to drive properly in inclement weather.

Auto accidents occur to even the most careful people who have taken precautions. If you have been injured because of someone else driving too fast for the conditions, negligence is to blame. You may have a Georgia personal injury lawsuit for your damages. Call a knowledgeable Norcross accident attorney at Shane Smith Law at (980) 246-2656 for a complimentary case consultation today.

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