Defective Sports Equipment Causes Injuries

Millions of Americans participate in sports, exercise, and other recreational activities every day. Many of these activities involve some type of equipment. When equipment is involved, there is the risk that such equipment may malfunction and cause injuries. If the equipment malfunctioned because of defective design or manufacture, you may likely be able to hold the company that made the product responsible for all of your medical bills and other injury-related losses. If you have suffered injury due to malfunctioning or defective sports or recreational equipment, you should contact an experienced Fayette County personal injury lawyer as soon as possible to discuss a possible case.

Some sports equipment malfunctions and the resulting injuries are more serious than others. However, no matter how minor your injuries are, you deserve to be reimbursed for your losses by the responsible party. Example of common equipment malfunctions that cause injury include:

  • Helmets used for bicycling or contact sports
  • Exercise equipment, such as weight benches, treadmills, or elliptical machines
  • Water sports vehicles, such as Wave runners, Jet skis, boogie boards, and more
  • Trampolines or other backyard play equipment
  • Ice skates or roller blades
  • Hunting equipment, such as firearms or crossbows

When people suffer injuries from defective sports equipment, they may face medical bills, extensive physical therapy or rehabilitation, or lost income if they had to miss work during recovery. The negligent manufacturers of the defective equipment should be held responsible for injured victims’ losses.

Contact a Fayette County personal injury attorney for a free consultation

Personal injuries caused by defective products can be complicated. Fortunately, the personal injury attorneys from Shane Smith Law knows how to handle this type of case and help you get the compensation you deserve for you injuries and losses. If you have been injured because of defective sports equipment, call our office today at (980) 246-2656 to schedule your free consultation.

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