Catastrophic injuries include those that affect a person’s brain, spinal column, or spinal cord. When these parts of the body are injured, victims can develop serious medical issues that may last for the rest of their lives. The brain is responsible for all bodily functions, both conscious and unconscious, and the spinal cord transmits messages from the brain to the rest of the body. Consequently, catastrophic injuries can cause partial or complete loss of feeling or movement part of a person’s body, as well as cognitive issues that may render a person unable to work or live independently. It is imperative that people affected by these injuries retain legal counsel immediately to make sure that they are fairly compensated for their injuries.
There are many kinds of accidents that could potentially result in catastrophic injuries. In order to be able recover for their losses, victims must able to establish that someone else’s negligence caused or contributed to the accident in which they were injured. Some examples of accidents that can result in catastrophic injuries include:
- Car accidents
- Slip and falls
- Workplace accidents
- Construction site accidents
- Truck accident
- Motorcycle accidents
- Bicycle accidents
- Pedestrian accidents
It is extremely important that people involved in preventable accidents that have the potential to cause injury seek medical attention immediately. Not only will seeking medical attention ensure that your injuries are identified and treated, but it will also establish an official record connecting your injuries to the accident as well as establishing their severity.
Contact a Peachtree City personal injury attorney for a free consultation
People who have sustained catastrophic injuries in preventable accidents often can entitle victims to significant financial compensation. The Peachtree City personal injury attorneys of Shane Smith Law are experienced legal advocates who work tirelessly for their clients. To schedule a free consultation, call Shane Smith Law at (980) 246-2656.