Truck Driver Fatigue Can Injure Unwary Motorists

Truck drivers often have grueling schedules that require them to drive hundreds of miles each day for hours on end. The deleterious effects of driver fatigue are well-documents, and federal regulations exist in order to prevent excessively tired truckers from taking to the roadways. Known as the “hours-of-service” regulations, these rules limit the amount of time that a truck driver can drive in a given period. Unfortunately, these rules are not always observed, sometimes resulting in extremely dangerous situations that can quickly become catastrophic. When truckers break these rules, they can potentially be held liable for any injuries that occur as a result. Anyone who has been injured by in a truck accident in which they suspect driver fatigue played a role should be certain to discuss their case with an experienced truck accident attorney.

Knowing the Signs of Truck Driver Fatigue

The best thing that motorists can do to avoid being involved in an accident with a fatigued truck driver is to know the signs of driver fatigue. Tired drivers often have impaired judgment and motor skills, and may even doze off behind the wheel. If you see a truck driving erratically, the best thing to do is to put as much space between yourself and the truck as possible. Truck accidents caused by driver fatigue can cause serious injuries, including:

  • Broken bones
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Lacerations
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Disfigurement

People who are injured in accidents with tractor-trailers often incur significant medical bills and may have to miss work. Additionally, the injuries that victims sustain can have long-term side effects, and may even result in disability. Consequently, anyone injured in an accident with a semi should make sure his or her legal rights are protected by talking to an attorney as soon as possible.

Contact a Coweta County truck accident attorney for a free consultation

Truck accident victims are often eligible to receive significant financial compensation. To schedule a free initial consultation with one of our experienced Coweta County truck accident lawyers, call Shane Smith Law today at (980) 246-2656.

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