Unintentional Injuries: More Common Than You Think

Unintentional injuries are the number one cause of death for young Americans under the age of 44.  The National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, a division of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, reports that more than 20 million people in the United States suffer from unintentional injuries on an annual basis.  Even when a person does not die from his or her injuries, the injury often still requires a visit to the emergency room and sometimes an extended stay in the hospital for surgery or other rehabilitative care.  A previously perfectly healthy person can all of a sudden miss a significant amount of work, face an insurmountable amount of medical bills, and find themselves and their family in a deep financial hole.   If you have lost money due to medical bills or lost wages, contact a Fayette County personal injury attorney to help you get reimbursed and get back on your feet. Additionally, if your loved has suffered a fatal unintentional injury, Shane Smith Law can file a wrongful death suit to help your family to recover from the unexpected loss.

The leading cause of unintentional injury for almost every age group is a fall.  15-24 year olds are the one exceptional age group, who most often gets unintentionally injured by being struck against or by something.  Other common causes of unintentional injuries include:

  • accidental cuts or piercings
  • being the occupant of a motor vehicle
  • accidents involving other forms of transportation such as walking or a bicycle
  • accidental poisoning
  • unintentional inhalation or a harmful substance.

The are countless additional ways that people suffer unintentional injuries, many of which are unforeseen until the very moment of the accident.  Furthermore, an accidental injury can have a severe impact on the victim's life, affecting their ability to work, conduct every day tasks, and financially support themselves or their families.  Many unintentional injuries happen as a result of someone else's negligence or negligent conditions.  If that is the case, you are entitled to compensation for your injuries from the negligent party.  A personal injury attorney at Shane Smith Law can provide a free consultation to help you determine your chances of recovering money for your unintentional injury from any responsible party.  Do not hesitate to call an experienced Fayette County accident attorney at (980) 246-2656.

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