Tractor-trailers and other large commercial vehicles can be seen hauling goods and other materials every day throughout the state of Georgia. While the majority of tractor-trailer trips occur without issue, occasionally these vehicles are involved in extremely serious accidents that can leave victims with catastrophic injuries that can affect them for years. When these accidents are the result of someone else’s negligent or otherwise wrongful conduct, victims may be able to recover for their injuries and other losses. Discussing your case with a truck accident lawyer at Shane Smith Law will help ensure that your losses are compensated and that the person or people responsible for your injuries are held accountable.
What are catastrophic injuries?
The term “catastrophic injuries” refers to the types of injuries that can leave victims with permanent functional disabilities. They can occur in a variety of ways in a truck accident, from victims hitting their heads or being thrown from their vehicle. Among the kinds of injuries that can qualify as catastrophic include:
Traumatic brain injury
Spinal cord injury
Neurological injury
In addition to potentially resulting in significant medical expenses, catastrophic injuries may leave victims with disabilities or other impairments that prevent them from going back to work, or working at all. Consequently, many catastrophic injury victims have significant financial needs that they may unable to meet. In these cases, it is imperative that accident victims make sure that their legal rights are protected by retaining an experienced lawyer. Often, a lawyer can help victims recover for losses such as medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and property damage, as well as others.
Contact a truck accident attorney for a free consultation
Anyone who has been injured in a truck accident in or around Newton, Georgia should discuss their case with a Georgia truck accident lawyer as soon as possible. To schedule a free consultation with one of our lawyers, call our office today at (980) 246-2656.