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South Carolina Negligent Security Attorneys

We Help Survivors & Victims of Crime Take Action

If you've been a victim of crime in South Carolina due to insufficient security measures on a property, Shane Smith Law is here to help. Taking legal action against property owners in negligent security lawsuits can be a complex process. Often, these property owners seek to evade all responsibility by merely pointing fingers at the criminals involved. However, when security inadequacies contribute to the occurrence of a crime, the property owner may also bear some liability. Teaming up with an experienced South Carolina negligent security attorney from Shane Smith Law can get you through this process with no extra stresses placed on you.

Let us be your legal guides and representatives. Call (980) 246-2656 for a free case consultation.

How Can Security Measures Be Negligent?

Property owners, particularly those in charge of public spaces or rental properties, have a duty to provide reasonable security measures to protect their patrons or tenants. This is a legal obligation that falls under the umbrella of premises liability law. Just as property owners can be held liable for physical hazards on their property, such as a broken staircase or a slippery floor, they can also be held accountable if their lack of adequate security results in harm to a person.

Negligent security measures can take various forms, such as:

  1. Inadequate lighting: Proper lighting is essential for visibility and safety. If a property owner fails to provide sufficient lighting in areas like parking lots, hallways, stairwells, etc., it can lead to accidents or make it easier for criminal activities to occur unnoticed.
  2. Lack of security personnel: In locations where there's a higher risk of crime, such as bars, shopping malls, or apartment complexes, having trained security personnel is crucial. A lack of such personnel can be seen as negligence.
  3. Failure to maintain security systems: This includes surveillance cameras, alarm systems, locks, and other security devices. If these are not installed where necessary or are left non-functional, it can contribute to negligent security.
  4. Poor access control: Allowing unrestricted access to certain areas, especially in buildings with multiple tenants or visitors, can lead to unauthorized persons gaining entry. Without proper access control measures, such as key cards or gated entrances, the risk of crime increases significantly.

Do Certain Properties Need Security Measures?

Certain properties, particularly those that are open to the public or house multiple tenants, have a legal obligation to ensure reasonable security measures are in place. This is crucial to protect individuals from potential harm or criminal activity. These measures can include adequate lighting, functional security systems, trained security personnel, and effective access control, among others. When these security measures are lacking or inadequately managed, it can lead to situations where individuals are exposed to a higher risk of criminal activity. In such cases, victims of crimes that could have been prevented by better security measures may have grounds for a negligent security claim.

Harm Suffered by Crime Victims

Victims of crimes can suffer a wide range of harm. This harm can be physical, emotional, and financial, and it may extend far beyond the immediate aftermath of the incident. In successful negligent security claims, victims may be compensated for these types of harm.

  • Physical harm: This is perhaps the most apparent form of harm. It includes any bodily injuries sustained during the incident, from minor cuts and bruises to more severe injuries like broken bones, lacerations, head trauma, or even permanent disabilities.
  • Emotional and psychological harm: The impact of a crime can leave deep emotional scars, leading to conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Victims may require ongoing counseling or therapy to cope with these effects.

Turning Harm into Compensable Damages

The value of a negligent security claim will depend on the extent of the harm you suffered due to a crime on someone else’s property. We will look carefully into the circumstances of your injuries, both physical and non-physical, to see what damages could be owed to you. Our South Carolina negligent security lawyers won’t rest until we’ve secured every penny available.

  • Medical expenses: This can include emergency room visits, surgeries, medication, physical therapy, and follow-up care, which could range years into the future.
  • Lost wages and earning capacity: If your injuries prevent you from returning to work, either temporarily or permanently, you may seek compensation for lost wages. In cases of severe injury that impacts your ability to work in the future, you may also claim for diminished earning capacity.
  • Pain and suffering: This refers to the physical discomfort and emotional distress you have experienced as a result of the crime. While it's harder to quantify than medical bills or lost wages, pain and suffering is a significant component of many negligent security claims.
  • Loss of enjoyment of life: This refers to the negative impact on your ability to enjoy day-to-day activities, hobbies, exercise, and other sources of enjoyment in your life.

We Fight for Full Compensation – Call Today

Navigating a negligent security claim or lawsuit can be a stressful process that calls for investigations and deep knowledge of premises liability laws. The good news is that you can leave everything up to Shane Smith Law and our South Carolina negligent security attorneys. If you or a family member has fallen victim to a crime as a result of inadequate security, we are here to act as your guides and representatives in and out of court. For decades, we have fought for the rights of the wrongfully injured in our communities, and it would be an honor to do the same for you.

Call (980) 246-2656 if you’d like to arrange a free consultation with our firm. Thank you.